Planning, Catering & Design 200+ Weddings Since 2014

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Traditionally, the bride’s name comes first on wedding invitations, followed by the groom’s name.

The process to change your last name in Arizona can take several weeks.

Some people do regret spending a lot on weddings, as the cost can add up quickly and may not be worth it in the long run.

Typically, the bride doesn’t dictate the mother of the groom’s dress color.

The most expensive part of a wedding can vary depending on the couple’s priorities, but typically the venue, catering, and photography/videography are some of the biggest expenses.

There’s no ‘right’ time frame for getting married. Some people marry quickly, while others wait years. It’s about what feels right for your relationship.

It can be cheaper to have a wedding on a Sunday than a Saturday, as venues and vendors may offer lower prices for less in-demand days.

Legal name change costs in Phoenix, AZ, vary but generally range from $200-$400.

June is traditionally the most popular wedding month, followed by August and September.

Ordained minister licenses typically do not expire, but it depends on the organization.