weddings and catering

Who Pays For A Bridal Shower?

June 4, 2023

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Traditionally, the maid of honor or the bridesmaids host and pay for the bridal shower. Often, they split the cost among themselves. However, the exact arrangements can vary widely.

Here are a few common scenarios:

  1. The Maid of Honor and/or Bridesmaids: As noted above, this is the most traditional arrangement. The bridal party works together to plan, host, and cover the event’s costs. They may share the costs equally or divide expenses based on what each person is comfortable with and able to contribute.
  2. The Bride’s Family: Sometimes, the bride’s family may offer to pay for the bridal shower. This is more common in regions or cultures where the bride’s family is expected to bear most of the wedding-related expenses.
  3. Multiple Hosts: A bridal shower can also have multiple hosts, such as close friends or relatives, who share the expenses.
  4. The Couple Themselves: In some cases, especially for a couple’s showers (also known as “Jack and Jill”), they may pay for the event themselves.

Remember, the key is communication. The host(s) should discuss the budget early in the planning process to ensure everyone is comfortable with the arrangements. Also, it’s considered a faux pas for the bride to host and pay for her bridal shower, as it might seem like she’s asking for gifts.

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Jon & Casey

Meet Jon, a talented Chef, and Casey, an exceptional Planner. Together, they founded Southwestern Weddings, blending culinary artistry and meticulous planning for unforgettable celebrations.

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